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Sunday, February 22, 2009

German TV bit on Limerick and drugs

Cheers to Shane for letting us know about this.

A German TV station is running a series looking a drug smuggling in Europe. The series seems to be looking at how drugs are smuggled into small towns from what we can gather. As part of the report, the media loving Limerick gang member Jimmy Collins talks to their reporters as well as local Solicitor John Devane.

Its in German but take a look anyway shur.

The German to englsih traslation on the article reads.

"Limerick Killing

has become a conduit for drugs into Europe . The consequences of getting a small town feel: contemplative Limerick in two combat drug clans. Even innocent people find themselves in the firing line.

By Björn Stasche, ARD studio London"

Not sure whether there will be more parts on Limerick to come.